
I am an evangelical Christian writer who sees my relationship with Jesus as supreme in my life. All of my writing flows from the centrality of the Lord to who I am, what I think, and what I do. I have borne this out through writing about child loss as well as writing a Bible study on the book of Jude. I also had the privilege of writing a response in my grandfather’s excellent work on Christian missions and the tradition of the Church. I pray that everything I write flows from a heart of loving response to Jesus for all that he has done for me, most supremely in the cross and in my personal rescue from sin and death. Blessings!

  • I am an evangelical Christian writer and a graduate of Moody Bible Institute (BA in Women’s Ministry) and The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (MA in Theological Studies). I’ve authored a book on baby loss, a Bible study on the book of Jude, and have contributed to a book by my grandfather on missions. Illinois is home, where I live with my husband and second daughter; my firstborn enjoys glory.

  • As a child, I chose to turn from sin and live for Jesus—I dearly wanted him forever. I believe this childhood decision was my seed of faith. But in the years that have followed, Jesus has led me to increase my trust in him and come to better understand my salvation.

    Since childhood, I have believed in hell as a real place of future conscious suffering for those who don’t believe in Jesus. And, in my sensitive spirit, I have always been afraid of it. As a result, I have tended to show Jesus the best in me—and only the best in me. I have had difficulty showing him my sins.

    Yet, as Jesus has led me on my spiritual journey, he and I have looked at my sins together—him revealing to me areas of sin that my efforts could not restrain. I have learned to rely fully on his grace, not the “best” in me.

    As a result, I don’t have to be afraid anymore, but can have a relationship with Jesus characterized by grace and honesty. Meeting him in this way has changed my disposition, motivation, sense of peace, approach to fighting sin, and more. While I used to have difficulties with assurance of salvation, now I know that I will be with him whom I love forever.

    “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God” (Ephesians 2:8).

  • If you’d like to learn more about my beliefs, you can visit these statements of faith: EFCA Statement of Faith, The Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy, and the 42 Articles of the Essentials of a Christian World View.