Rejoice and Remember

The first snow of this year took me by surprise. I looked out the window, and behold! Small, tender, and robust flakes were falling to the ground. Some landed softly, while others melted away into the warmer landscape.

This Christmas season has also caught me off guard. I held on to the summer months as long as possible, keeping our pool open well into September to enjoy every 80-degree day. Fall brought apple orchards into view, and then, behold! It is Christmas. This time of year fills me with various emotions, but primarily this year, I wonder: Am I doing enough?

Am I doing enough to welcome this season of wonder and excitement? Even gift shopping seemed effortless this year. Everything has come easily. But still, I ask myself: Am I doing enough?

I am asking the Lord that question, and I believe he is guiding me to understand: My modest preparations and my surprise at this season are truly sufficient. What guides this season for me is contemplating the baby in the manger. The essence of Christmas doesn’t require elaborate feelings or preparations, only a heart that rejoices and remembers.

Those twin words—rejoice and remember—surround my Christmas season this year. I am released from the pressure; it’s okay that I haven’t felt great anticipation at Christ’s coming. It’s alright that my preparations have been simple. It’s even okay that I prefer the warmth of summer swimming to winter’s snowfall, as lovely as it is from my family room window.

Rejoice and remember. Let me elaborate.

This year, I want to rejoice that Jesus came. Rejoice! He has come to free the world, offer himself, and make all things new and right again—a promise for the future. He has come to bless all who call upon his Name. So, I can rejoice that Jesus has come. I will tuck that thought into the folds of my Bible and take it out each day—rejoice.

And then there is remember. This word is filled with significant thoughts about what Jesus came to do. He came to save me from my sins. Just this morning, the Lord filled my heart with joy and peace as I remembered that I am clean, whole, perfected, and seated with Christ in the heavenly places (Ephesians 2:6). I can easily forget this. My Bible study group knows I can be hard on myself for my sins. I often speak about losing patience with myself when I struggle with issues I thought were resolved. Instead, I can remember. Jesus’ purpose was to seek and save the lost—gloriously, he came to seek and save me.

There are all sorts of ways to celebrate Christmas. I hold no animosity toward lengthy preparations or detailed lists. I have no disapproval for the season’s festivities, nor do I disagree with the wonder that especially captivates children as they admire the lights and experience the traditions of Christmas. I am thankful for all of these aspects when they come.

But this year, I have been brought back to the basics, which is good for me.

What is resonating with you this year as you consider your Christmas celebrations? What meditations are on your heart? Is the Lord asking you to simplify your routine? Or perhaps you have your own essentials from him to embrace.

Whatever is mainly on your heart as Christmas approaches, I encourage you to take a moment to reflect deeply. Put down your phone, turn off the television, quiet your spirit from responsibilities, and ponder.

Indeed, this season teaches us that reflection is a worthy goal.

This Christmas, as I wait for the summer sun to return, I reflect on the joy and freedom that Christmas brings. I contemplate how the sun shines in my life today, refreshing my soul. The Lord has given us the greatest gift (2 Corinthians 9:15). We know this because we will praise him forever for what he has done. Forever.

The words of the following verse are on my tongue as I bring my Christmas reflections before me: “Because of the tender mercy of our God, whereby the sunrise shall visit us from on high, to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace” (Luke 1:78-79). The sunrise has come. The verse that precedes states the reason: “To give knowledge of salvation to his people in the forgiveness of their sins” (Luke 1:77).

Rejoice and remember, friends, the tender ways of the Lord in bringing us the gift of Jesus for the forgiveness of our sins, now and forevermore.

Lianna B. DavisWriting