The Shifts We Make in Life

I love watching the snow fall outside my living room window. It dances in the breeze, landing softly. The sight of falling snow is welcome, but the coldness of this season is not.

Reflecting on my years in Texas, I realize that even there, the winters were too cool for my liking. I often wondered, “Why did I move south if I still face this cold? This is not why I came to Texas!” My expectations for the weather were unmet, which might be surprising since Texas is known for its heat.

Sometimes, the seasons of life we find ourselves in can be unexpected. We make a positive and necessary change in our lives, only to realize that this change brings some unwelcome realities.

I don't believe we will ever be perfectly happy with any change in life until we reach eternal glory and abundant rest.

Today, I want to discuss how to navigate these shifts in life. Here are three key points to remember:

  1. The shifts we make in life for the better can come with unexpected twists. Be prepared for them and ready yourself to endure.

  2. The shifts we make in life that promote growth, healing, and wholeness come from the Lord. The enemy seeks to kill and destroy, while the Lord offers life, wholeness, and healing.

  3. The changes we make to draw closer to the light and abundant life of God are often confirmed by others.

Unexpected Twists

When we moved to Texas, it wasn't just the weather that posed an unexpected challenge but also the community. We found ourselves far from family, and as a result, the church became our new family. The twist, however, was that building relationships in this new environment took time.

We often assume that forming connections will happen quickly. For some, it does. For others, it requires a significant investment of time. Those meaningful relationships didn't develop until I was vulnerable and needed to share parts of myself with others.

This situation was unexpected because I hadn’t fully considered what it would be like to be so far from the family I had relied upon. Life is full of unexpected twists, and those that come with good decisions can leave us questioning our choices. We may wonder if we made the right call or if there were better paths we could have taken.

I've learned not to let these twists deter me from following the Lord’s guidance. No decision comes without its challenges. However, can we recognize the Lord's goodness in how he has led us thus far? For me, the answer is yes.

Therefore, I choose to accept both the good and the challenging, or even the bad, and to move forward. We can find peace in knowing that if we have earnestly sought to follow the Lord and have made decisions that seem best and wisest to us—after seeking counsel—we are in a position where he can work within us and in our lives. We can experience true peace.

Growth, Healing, and Wholeness

These words—growth, healing, and wholeness—bring me extra peace as I navigate life. God continually works in my life and heart to bring these things to fruition.

Over the past five years, I have seen growth and rejoice that I am a new and different person. I recognize what the Lord is doing in my heart: healing me from hurts, sins, difficulties, abrasions, and lacerations. The Lord sets my feet on solid ground so that I can follow him on this healing journey. This world can be painful, but he walks with us as the Great Physician.

As for wholeness, the Lord reveals the fullness of our salvation in our hearts and minds. We are one with Christ, united with him in his death and resurrection. Just as we die to our sins, we are raised to new life in Christ. With the cross ever before us, we transform into the image of our God with increasing measure. This means that more of Scripture becomes a part of us while more of the world fades away. This work brings the Lord joy.

Where growth, healing, and increased wholeness occur, we can confidently know that the Lord works in us spiritually, drawing us closer to his heart and mind. The transitions in life that foster these activities and realities prove that he stays close to the brokenhearted and saves those crushed in spirit (Psalm 34:18). He does good work. It is right and good to acknowledge and recognize this work for what it truly is: a gift from God.

Closer to Light and Life

Finally, our shifts toward the light serve our good and God's glory. The light of God shining in our hearts is an extraordinary phenomenon. This divine light helps us further surrender to his will, which is truly a blessing.

The light of God and the life of God connect deeply. The life of God brings light into our hearts (see John 1:4), so it benefits us to draw nearer to it. This life is manifested in the Son of God, who walked among us. Additionally, the Holy Spirit, who never leaves us, dwells within us as a precious seal of God’s present and future work (Ephesians 1:13-14).

Listen, the light of God can disrupt our norms. It shakes us, surprises us, and invades our lives. However, this light proves that God's life flows through us, as we are branches connected to the true vine (John 15:1-7). The shifts we make to align ourselves with God's light show that his light works powerfully within us. These transformations ultimately feel both welcomed and right.

Shifts that bring us closer to the life and light of God benefit us and come from the hand of God. Sharing these divine nudges with other committed believers helps us discern what the Lord is doing. Clarity often comes when we invite others into our questions, hurts, pains, and points of impending surrender.


Perhaps you’re uncertain about where God is working in your life. You may need to make a shift to align yourself with him. Or you might have already made a change but wonder if it came from him.

Remember that no path in life is perfect; negatives often accompany the positives. Instead, focus on growth, healing, and wholeness. Do you see these qualities increasingly present in your life? If so, God drives this movement. Additionally, consider the concepts of light and life. Does God shine his light in you in ways that encourage you to surrender to him and live a Scripture-focused life? God, his Spirit, and his Son guide your journey.

As this year begins, evaluate the shifts you have made or could make to follow the Lord's paths. Trust that his shield of protection surrounds you as you move forward (Psalm 3:3). Remember that the Lord actively engages in the lives of his people. Follow his gentle guidance, and you will see goodness bloom in your days.

Lianna B. DavisWriting